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Princess & The Pea Party

Avery's birthday fell around the same time we were planning on blessing Max, and I decided it would be much easier for our family to come to one combined party. I debated on a theme - both girly and masculine - and finally decided on Princess and the Pea. As in, "our sweet pea." Justin didn't think all of the pink was very masculine, but oh well. I didn't do a whole lot of things that had to do with the theme, but I think it all went well together. Here's the invite:

I made these delicious strawberry lime cupcakes (recipe from Your Cup of Cake, which is seriously my favorite cookbook ever!) and added a green lemonhead for the "pea".

I made the centerpieces out of pink roses and a huge bag of frozen peas. It was so easy, and I thought it added just enough theme for a big munch/mingle kind of party.

We normally bless our babies on Fast Sundays, which would have been perfect, because it fell exactly on Avery's birthday. But Justin found out that a work trip to the Philippines was scheduled over that day. I didn't want to wait another month (because of the combining parties issue) so we did it a week early. 

There was such a sweet spirit during the blessing. Max was a little angel during the blessing, and smiled a big grin when Justin held him up to show him off after the blessing. Here are some of the things that he was blessed with:
"We are so happy that you have come into our family. Max, you have an anxious spirit that was very prepared for this time on earth, and you were anxious to come to earth to do Heavenly Father's work. We bless you with a healthy body, and a healthy mind that can understand things of the world, and things of the spirit. We bless you with the desire to be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. It is such a choice gift and accountability. Seek out guidance from Heavenly Father through prayer, and be obedient to Heavenly Father's commandments. We bless that you'll be obedient to your parents. You have a great family support system. You were blessed to come to a family that loves you. Seek out guidance from your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles." 
I feel so blessed to have Max in our family. He really has the sweetest spirit, and just holding him and looking into his big brown eyes gives me so much joy!

I made everyone come outside for two group shots... a nice one, and a silly one. I love the silly one so much, it's framed in our house! We have the best family.

And, of course, we couldn't forget our tradition of "tossing" the guest of honor... (except that we don't actually toss the babies)

We had a potluck brunch, and it was delicious! Thanks everyone for bringing something to share!

After eating, we sang to Avery and let her open a few gifts. She was a little overwhelmed with all of the attention, and didn't know where to look. We finally got her to blow the candles out (after lighting them like 5 times due to the wind) and she devoured her cupcake.

We played Pin the Party Hat on Avery..


I love your sweet and sassy personality.

You are so obedient! I am so grateful for your thoughtfulness and helpful attitude. You are always willing to bring me a binki, and even help Harvey to follow directions too!

You are really easy to get along with. Harvey loves to play with his little sister, and we often hear your "Otay, Hav", when he tells you his latest imaginative scheme.

You are really smart and you catch on quick when learning something new. You can get dressed, put on your socks and shoes, pour a drink, do puzzles, pick out the right color hair clip, and draw some amazing bubbles all by yourself.

I love taking you on errands with me - because you help me find things at the grocery store, and you stay right by me and don't run off!

You are so sweet with baby Max. He loves your soft kisses and hugs.

You are tough. You love to wrestle and play rough with Daddy, and love to get thrown onto the couch.

We love you so much!


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