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Cough Remedy

Our entire family has been sick. It's been awful. Harvey got it first, and he had a nasty little cough that would keep him from getting a good nap, or sleeping through the night.

I remembered an e-mail I received about a month ago with a cough remedy using Vicks VapoRub, so I found it, tried it, and discovered it's amazing-ness! After both the hubby and myself contracted the nasty cough, we tried it - and it worked for us as well.

Just in case you haven't got the e-mail... here is the new way to use Vicks VapoRub:


  1. My oldest son has epilepsy and because of that we do lots of natural rememedies and such. When I notice something coming on I do honey and tea, vicks on the feet and behind the ears and a sauna bath (sleep too ;) . Most of the time it prevents it from even coming!

  2. Try upping vitamin D (D3). Google a search on vit d and flu / colds. Studies are now finding that most of us do NOT have enough vit d levels (thanks to many things including sun screen) these days and that those with higher levels of d do not get the flu or colds (or rarely). I started taking about 2000 units per day several yrs ago and haven't had a flu or cold since (and was prone to them usually resulting in pneumonia). Same with my mother (copd) and my daughter. Check it out.

    1. Interesting.. thanks, I'll check it out!

    2. Vitamin D is recommended for children up to 2 to 3 years in Ireland (where I live). My daughter has had a cold a couple of times in 19 months, but recovers in a day or two. She sleeps and eats normally throughout it.

  3. Before my son's asthma was under control, we used this trick on him. His allergies or the cold winter air would make his asthma act up and he would cough all the time, but it was worse at night. He would cough so bad he would be puking and up all night. The firs time we tried this, he slept through the night and the coughing stopped within minutes!! I tell everybody about it. Even if I'm out and about and some kid has a cough, I tell the parents about this trick. It's a life saver!

  4. I have a family with lots of allergies and conditions and I wanted to see if it would be ok to use your image and blogpost with credit to you on my blog. Thanks so much,

  5. You can also use coconut oil mixed with eucalyptus oil. Same concept, works great!

    1. This is the best idea on this page. Do you know what's in Vicks? Whatever you put on the skin goes into the body. Use natural ingredients little bodies can actually use!

  6. I have tried this and it really works!!! You can sleep comfortably and clears congestion.

  7. This remedy had been on my family for over 30 years. The scientist got it from a mom.

  8. When I feel a cold or flu coming on, I use Zinvit C250 which is a vitamin supplement. Take 2 tabs three times s day for the first 3 days then 2 tabs twice a day thereafter. Totally cuts the duration in half - amazing but true. I also use a daily vitamin D supplement. If you are constantly indoors or wear a sunscreen to protect against UV radiation, you are getting less than you normally would so supplementing it is wise. Many don't realize this. Protecting the skin against cancer is vital but one must make sure one is getting what one needs. Thanks for the tip about vicks though. My mother used to rub it on my chest as a child and slather it under my nose. Always felt like I was wearing an oil slick. Feet, I can handle. :)

  9. When I feel a cold or flu coming on, I use Zinvit C250 which is a vitamin supplement. Take 2 tabs three times s day for the first 3 days then 2 tabs twice a day thereafter. Totally cuts the duration in half - amazing but true. I also use a daily vitamin D supplement. If you are constantly indoors or wear a sunscreen to protect against UV radiation, you are getting less than you normally would so supplementing it is wise. Many don't realize this. Protecting the skin against cancer is vital but one must make sure one is getting what one needs. Thanks for the tip about vicks though. My mother used to rub it on my chest as a child and slather it under my nose. Always felt like I was wearing an oil slick. Feet, I can handle. :)

  10. what about daytime?? will this also work during the day?

    1. Of course! And you won't smell like eucalyptus/menthol. :)

  11. I am SOOOOOOOO glad I saw this today. Blessings to you for taking the time to re-share it! I am wondering if it's only the brand name vicks or not...time to investigate and experiment!

    1. I think it's just the eucalyptus oil in the Vicks that does the trick. Try another brand, but make sure it contains eucalyptus.

  12. from what age can I use this remedy? My daughter is 20months and has a horrid cough at the min!

    1. I've used it on my babies (even younger than a year), and it works great. :)

    2. You should not be putting vaporrub on children under a year. Camphor, a main ingredient in vapor rubs can absorb easily into your child's skin. Camphor can cause poisoning in children, absorbed through the skin or through mucus membranes. Dangerous. Use natural alternatives like mentioned in other comments (eucalyptus etc)

    3. In some places you can buy "baby vicks" which may also be an option.

    4. Baby Vicks is simply weaker Vicks. You can also just mix it with Vaseline to "dilute" the medication instead of paying the s as me price for a weakened medication.

      I, however, didn't do this. I used original Vicks on my kids feet from about 5 months of age. The vapors are too strong for their lungs to be rubbed on their chest, but their feetare fine in my experience.

  13. Nothing new about this--it's been known since it's been around, but doctors would always tell you "Naw" while Moms would tell you "YES!"

  14. Please reconsider this. The way this works, the body is absorbing this product.
    Instead, do as Ms. Thompson suggests, below.
    I'd mix coconut oil with Eucalyptus, peppermint, and a little tea tree oil with Lavender (maybe some clary sage)
    Same results. Even better, with the added benefit of natural anti-inflammatory oils, and analgesics. And this way you're not feeding your children petroleum. OR TURPENTINE.

    1. Nina, what proportion of each? I will try it for my 18mo old

    2. Nina, what proportion of each? I will try it for my 18mo old

    3. I only use baby Vicks on my kids - the adult Vicks has nasty stuff... Objections to baby version?

  15. My son told me about this and it worked, plus woke up with nice smooth heels. Bonus!

  16. Same question as Vanessa. I've seen this trick posted many times but only have the baby Vicks. I've tried it and couldn't tell if it's working or not. Did I just not use enough or does it have to be real Vicks?

    1. No idea. I've only tried the regular Vicks. Sorry.

  17. This "remedy" is complete BS and it does not have the support of *any* scientific agency. In fact, Vicks Vapo Rub contains camphor which has been shown to be toxic to children. Read the following for more information -->

    1. I have to respectfully disagree with your "complete BS" evaluation, because it has worked for my family. Multiple times. Sure, no official company has stamped their approval on the method of application, but that's pretty common to other "home remedies."

      Thanks for linking to - I read the article, and their official finding is "Undetermined." I definitely don't want to put something toxic on my child, so I read the full warning given by the NYC Health Department (linked in the snopes article). It says "some" products containing Camphor can be toxic to children, if "ingested or applied excessively". Vicks only contains 5.26% Camphor product, and I only rub a small amount of salve onto my childrens' feet when they can't sleep because of a cough - which happens very rarely. I wouldn't consider that excessive application.

      But I'm glad you added the warnings for others! Thanks for commenting. :)

  18. My mother has always done this (with tiger balm too) and i use it on my hubby and myself - works a treat for a good night sleep

  19. I can't imagine that it would be harmful for an occasional cough remedy. Much better than having a child cough all night long. There's so many wonderful remedies out there !

  20. Hi, instead of using the adult version, try vicks babyrub which has no camphor

  21. I wish this worked for my son! When he gets a cold, he ends up with a cough that lasts for weeks, but Vapo-Rub hasn't done anything for it when we tried this (during the cold or for the lingering cough). I'm going to try one of the home-made coconut oil recipes listed here, see if that helps. Thanks for leaving this discussion open!

  22. I love this! My daughter had terrible hacking cough for two nights in a row and because she was under the age of six, I couldn't give her any cough medicine. I came across this article on pinterest and was very skeptical but I was desperate to find her some relief. It worked like a charm! I even use it on myself. I love this so much that I posted a link to this in an article on my blog, "Tips and tricks for kids you will wish you knew earlier"
    Thank you soooo much!

  23. I am SOOOOOOOO glad I saw this today. Blessings to you for taking the time to re-share it! I am wondering if it's only the brand name vicks or not...time to investigate and experiment!

  24. can i use regular vapor rub on my 9 month old? or should i go out and buy the baby version of it?

    1. Just use regular. I did, even when my kids were tiny. :)

  25. I have to say this has been probably the most helpful posts for me. Please keep it up. I cant wait to read whats next.
    Focal Therapy

  26. Cool!! Try this one it will work..


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