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Crusty Pizza Dough

We love pizza around here, and ordering pizza was getting expensive. So I decided I wanted to find a great pizza recipe. We really love this crust... (I'm still on the search for the best sauce recipe, so SHARE if you've got one!)

serves: 4

    1        package active dry yeast
    1        cup warm water (105 - 115 degrees F)
    1/2    teaspoon salt
    2        teaspoons olive oil
    2.5 - 3.5 cups all-purpose flour
    1        tablespoon cornmeal

1. Dissolve yeast in warm water in warmed mixer bowl. Add salt, olive oil, and 2 1/2 cups flour. Attach bowl and dough hook to mixer. Turn to Speed 2 and mix about 1 minute.

2. Continuing on Speed 2, add remaining flour, 1/2 cup at a time, and mix until dough clings to hook and cleans sides of bowl, about 2 minutes. Knead on Speed 2 about 2 minutes longer.

3. Place dough in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover. Let rise in warm place, free from draft, about 1 hour, or until doubled in bulk. Punch dough down.

4. Brush 14-inch pizza pan with oil. Sprinkle with cornmeal. Press dough across bottom of pan, forming a collar around edge to hold toppings. Add toppings as desired. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.


  1. I love homemade pizza - we make it once a week. My recipe is pretty similar to yours though I add cracked pepper and knead it by hand. I'd love to get my hands on a really good sauce recipe too... I hope someone posts one!

  2. we love exquisite pizza sauce from and jays signature pizza crust from there too. i like to make extra dough and make breadsticks. cut them out dip in melted butter sprinkle with garlic salt and parmesean cheese. mmmmm

  3. Nothing is better than homemade pizza and yours looks DELICIOUS!

  4. yummmm!!! i love pizza. since i am dairy free i have to make my own and luckily i have great recipes. Thank heaven right?! This looks delicious and i will have to try. I do make my own sauce. i got it from teresa guidice's simply italian (italian lady from real housewives of new jersy). I have altered it a little bit to fit us.

    26 oz can diced tomatoes
    15 oz can diced tomatoes
    small can tomato paste
    bit of olive oil (i just pour some to coat the bottom of the pan)
    1 onion diced
    2 cloves garlic diced
    1 bunch fresh basil (this is best. Can use dried...i just sprinkle it till it smells how i want it to smell. few tsp.)
    dried Oregano (same principle as with dried basil except i use less. it goes farther.)

    Warm oil. Throw in onion...cook for 5 or so minutes. Throw in garlic (do not let it burn! goes bitter) cook for a couple minutes. Put in tomatoes. Put in tomato paste. stir. Put in herbs-get it how you want it to smell. The sauce is chunky with tomatos and thick. If you want it runnier, add water and as the tomatoes cook, smush them.
    The longer it simmers the better. IT will cook the water down too so add water if you want.

    this is the basic recipe. Sometimes i throw in mushrooms. Sometimes i make the sauce with a pound of sausage (this is fabulous!)

    enjoy. Sorry it isn't very specific...i am a pretty causal cook. Use your nose, and taste along the way to get it how you want it. I always use this for spaghetti too. I eat it on toast too. I love this sauce!

  5. we are having this tonight! Thanks for the dough recipe and the sauce recipe!!!

  6. Look at you miss food blogger!! This looks so yummy!

  7. That looks yummy i wanna eat it and i have shared also some tips for Press Dough review it.
    Thanks for post.

  8. I always add garlic or onion powder, oregano and basil in my dough.


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