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Genealogy Chart

My mom loves genealogy. She has several books with pictures and stories of people in our pedigree lines, and she is constantly working on finding more members of our family.

All of her information was in books, and although she has a pedigree chart that unfolds out to show 21 (I think) generations, once you get past the first couple generations, it's really hard to tell who is next in line. As soon as I saw this circular chart on Martha Stewart's website, I knew this would be an awesome birthday gift.

The template Martha provides is totally not like the awesome one in the picture, so I thought I would have to recreate it with Photoshop... but then I read the comments, and someone had already done that! I just double checked the link and it seems to be having issues, so I'm going to host the same file here:

Here is an alternate link to download the file: Genealogy Chart

After I got mine printed, I set to work with a fine tipped black marker to fill in all of the information.

It took a while, but it was worth it. Especially when my mom saw the finished piece. She loved it!

And it's quite the conversation piece. I love that all of her hard work is out on display; where she, and others can look it over and appreciate it! 


  1. Kev's sister showed us a similar one when we saw them over the holidays. It works with and creates a colored chart for you that you can get printed out. If your mom uses family search, you could easily update her chart or create multiple copies without needing to hand write everything. Anyway, here is the website if you are interested:

    1. I had heard about that site (of course, after I had already finished my mom's chart). How awesome! Although, adding to my mom's as she finds new information was the main reason I did it in pen. We won't need to print a new one each time. I can just write in the information and it will all look uniform. Thanks for sharing though!!

  2. Great idea Tiff! I bet your mom was so excited!

  3. Hello and Thank you for this great chart...

  4. thanks for the download to the chart. I think this would make great Christmas gifts.

  5. The chart in the photo on MS site has like a trunk with space for info. I can't find that chart anywhere so I can see what info goes there. Any ideas?

  6. You've done a fabulous job! I work for the Baca Family Historical Project and was looking for a great pedigree chart to use with our workshops. Our families can trace their roots from New Mexico back to the 1400s in Spain. Thanks for doing this.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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