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Showing posts from October, 2009

Tea Light Spiders

The girls loved making these... Needed: empty  egg carton scissors black paint / brushes hole punch black duct tape pipe cleaner (4 for each spider) BATTERY operated tea lights 1. Cut up your egg carton, so you have one "cup" for each spider. Paint the outside black and let dry. 2. Use the hole punch to punch out 2 "eyes" in the front, and 4 leg holes on each side. (Do them close or you wont fit 8 holes around the sides!) 3. Cut 4 pipe cleaners in half - one half for each leg. Poke one in each hole and secure it inside the egg carton with duct tape. Then bend to shape like a leg. 4. Once all your legs are attached, turn on your tea lights, set it inside your spider, and tape the bottom with duct tape to secure the light inside.